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Pets are a significant part of our lives; they are trusted friends and companions throughout our lifetime. At Flower Funeral Home, we have designed this pet site to help you memorialize your pet by posting a photo or writing a remembrance to share with your family and friends. We also want to offer you information about your choices when your pet dies and information about dealing with grief after the death of your pet.

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October 08, 1980 - December 31, 1969
Age: -11
Sawubona, bengifuna ukwazi intengo yakho.

October 08, 1980 - December 31, 1969
Age: -11
Zdravo, htio sam znati vašu cijenu.

Mr. Gato
May 15, 2015 - November 19, 2024
Age: 9
Mr. Gato: April 2015--November 17, 2024 Mr. Gato and I are spending this day communicating, pretty much as we always have, but this will be our last day. He has succumbed to a tumor in his abdomen and it’s now clear that despite all efforts by a committed veterinarian and a loving “parent’, there is nothing left to do. When you live ten years with an animal, you eventually find a way to share the deepest feelings, and I think we’ve done pretty well with that. When I absolutely needed him to come in after a night escapade taunting the coyotes, he would come. Whenever I apologized for bringing him to the shelter to board him for weeks at a time, he looked intently at me, understood and forgave me. Our cross-country trip in 2019 could not have been very easy for him: he sat in the front seat, stared at the countryside for a little while, then slept for 2000 miles. When we got to the cabin in the Adirondacks, he took to the woods like a natural inhabitant. Some tense moments at first when he shot up a maple tree, forgetting that these were not like the mesquite trees in Arizona with tiered branches, so getting down was a heart throbbing experience, ending in a giant leap. He loved music and hopped up on the piano bench whenever I played, especially when Evan came over to teach. We were a threesome. He was learning pieces at least as quickly as I was. He loved water. He would drink it wherever it was, including from fresh rain accumulations, long-standing puddles, water from the soaker hose and even my water bottle. He would walk along the edge of the bathtub trying to figure out how to circumnavigate it but was always stymied by the back rim. Still, he seemed content to end his efforts and drink from the tub anyway. One of his favorite things seemed to be making an appearance on zoom meetings, walking across the keyboard, and often sending nonsensical but thought-provoking comments in the chat. Intimacy was his strong suit and all my friends saw that. He would saunter up to most guests and hang out with them, but he did have his favorites: Amy, Evan, Jeff, Darla, Ernie, Cathryn, Cassandra, Diane and Linda. Even on his last day he sat and purred in Darla’s lap. The people at the shelter loved him too—after all that’s where he came from-- and they always gave him the same spacious room so he would feel at home. Taking him there was excruciating for me but his return home enlivened my heart. He would move cautiously out of the car and before long he was climbing trees, looking back at me to make sure I was watching and then fly off to the ground. When I went away for a few hours, day or night, he would always be at the door when I returned. Then I would pick him up high in the air. “Mr. Gato, it’s so nice to see you.” and he’d give me a bemused look like: “okay, okay, put me down. We don’t have to go through this every time?” Secretly, I think he liked it. But in recent months, there was no such activity. He moved slower but he was still curious. He was sluggish but he still wanted to go outside and explore. He ate less and was more picky but he still welcomed every guest and hopped up on their chair for some comfort and good conversation. In the end he could hardly get up on the bed but he still managed to remind me that the rising sun brought a new day and I should greet it, as he did, with wonder and enthusiasm. But today, his last day in this life, he lay on the bed with no movement, just listening as I read him this eulogy, appearing to pass favorable comment. Mr. Gato tried to keep up with me as I embark on a turbulent and unpredictable phase of my life. I wonder if his empathy made him sick. But he never gave up sharing the burden, trying to comfort me, always at my side on the bad days. The more I worried about things, the closer he clung, until the end. And when he saw that I would be okay—when I won the book prize, and my plans for the next few months finally took shape, I believe he was ready to let me go. Mr. Gato never stopped giving, sharing, and inspiring. Even as I was reading these painful words, he looked at me with half open eyes, never turned away; never stopped listening. Now it’s my turn to let him go. Stu

Princess Stone
February 09, 2023 - July 15, 2024
Age: 1
Princess was always such a loving cat since the day I brought her home. She loved cuddling and being on your back she was just always around. She would listen run around and play, but her name fit her perfect she held her head up and knew she was that cat. You had four great things out of this world and I know You will live on through them. You were the best Mama and my best friend. I love you.

Magic Watson
September 07, 2009 - June 20, 2024
Age: 15
Magic, On Labor Day 2009 out of the blue, my daughters dog was scratching at the door and I went to find out what it was barking at and there was a soaking wet hairy tiny dog at the back of my door. I had no idea where he came from and he was so matted I wasn’t even sure if he was a dog. I brought him in cleaned him and cut all the Matts out of his hair. He only had a flea collar and I had no idea where he came from. I went around the neighborhood and even on Craig’s list to find his owners. Unfortunately I could not find them but fortunately I was able to keep him. I named him Magic because he magically popped up at my back door. 15 years later this dog would be a member of the family and my best friend! He has seen me through thick and thin, more than any person. I have loving, beautiful and funny memories with Magic. Like sitting in the window seal when I would leave for work. Eating my daughter’s fish she won from the fair. Every time a man kissed me he would be pissed! I am blessed to have had Magic be part of my life. He would come and hug on me when I cried and even though he was tiny and 5lbs he was a trooper and thought he was a pit bull attitude. These are just some examples of how special Magic was. It is now time to say goodbye! I would be selfish to leave you in the state you are in just because I don’t want you to go. You have lived beyond your years and I am blessed to say you were a true friend. I love you to the moon and back my smookie Pooh! You will forever be in my heart! Until we meet again! Love you forever and always Mama

August 21, 2018 - March 17, 2024
Age: 6
A great dog and a best friend. Ghost stole our hearts by bringing unconditional love and joy to our home. You are one of a kind, a loyal companion. Ghost was very smart and extremely affectionate. He had a unique personality that brought happiness to all our family and friends. We have been so blessed to have shared his life with him. He will truly be missed but never forgotten. Our memories of him will last forever. -Until we meet again, Ghost: WE LOVE YOU!

Bella-Storm Dunlap
December 31, 1969 - February 20, 2024
Age: 55
Our Baby… our first of four… our wild child… our runner….You were and will always be loved and missed ole girl… I pray Heaven has a big yard for you to run with the wind. We love you Bella Storm. Always and Forever

December 13, 2020 - December 08, 2023
Age: 3
You was not just a dog you was my fur baby, Tyson you brought so much joy and happiness to everyone that cross your path. Even on my worst days you always managed to make me smile. You was the best riding buddy for your dad and the best four-legged brother ever. You will be forever missed and never forgotten, your paw prints will forever be imbedded within our hearts

Jessica Tsui-McGrath
April 01, 2003 - September 17, 2023
Age: 20
Jessica has been a part of our family for over 20 years, and it saddens us very deeply to know that we have to say "see you later" to our sweet love until we see her again in the afterlife. I remember the time that we both accidentally got locked out of my home, and she realized that I was anxious, and she kept purring and initiating hide and seek to keep me occupied until I was able to get back in my home. Jessica was also a protector as she pretended to be a dog (various times throughout her life) and hissed (I think it’s imitation of what a bark might sound like LOL) at strangers who she deemed to be a danger to her parents and our little young son. When our son was first born, Jessica came up to her brother and gently licked his head. There were also times that her playfulness got her in trouble, however her sweetness, ravenous eating habits of Chinese food and cream cheese and cuddles made up for it. We will forever have you in our hearts and pray that you are resting in peace. We love you forever and ever, and always. Mommy, Daddy, and your little brother

Tinkerbell Grace Jupin
September 21, 2008 - April 01, 2023
Age: 15
The Obituary for Miss Tinkerbell Grace Jupin. Tinkerbell Grace Jupin 14, of Brandenburg KY, from Midway, greeted her Heavenly Father on Saturday April 1, 2023, at Cornerstone Vet Clinic in Brandenburg, KY. She enjoyed and loved to bark, play with her many toys that she absolutely loved. She loved Jesus and loved to go to "Bed" and enjoyed riding while going "Bye Bye". Tinkerbell loved her favorite treats, Pupperioni Sticks and Beggin Strips. She enjoyed her Ceasers Chicken meals. Tinkerbell loved chicken nuggets, and loved sharing a chicken sandwich with her Mommy. Tinkerbell is reunited in death with her Grandmother Rebecca Lynn Jupin, her Cat Sister Miracle Monroe Jupin, her doggie brothers Snooch, Luke, Mason Chris Jupin, and Chance Elvis Jr. Jupin Rogers. Tinkerbell is survived by her Mommy Cortney Elaine Jupin. She is also survived by a special man she adored and loved Shane. Funeral services were private with burial in Ekron, KY. She was laid to rest by the side of her Cat Sister Miracle Monroe Jupin and Doggie Brother, Mason Chris Jupin. Along with many fur cousins. Tinkerbell loved children and was very protective of them. Tinkerbell loved her big family, and will always be with them.

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